Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tintin's dedication (I)
muzik dalam mengerbang.
Selembut fitrah,
sekeras lumrah,
Moga snowy dapat atasi,
retetan ranjau di sisi,
dan menjadi pensyarah universiti.
© Tintin
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Specially for Snowy....
Pinta datang silih berganti,
nescaya aku tetap kotai,
agar terlestari hasrat puteri,
sempat untuk ahad ini.
Di pundak patik disulami,
jaminan epsilon didasari.
© Tintin
It shows the quality assurance of Epsilon!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Making Bak Zhang
The ingredients of the making the Traditional China Bak Zhang, locally known as "Tyng Sua Zhang" is shown below:-
- To my fellow friends in oversea, the virtual "Bak Zhang" is specially dedicated to all of you. I am sure you miss them soooo much!!! *Sorry to make you guys homesick*
- Tintin is the first one who get to taste the dumpling. Yummy, Tintin loves the Nyonya dumpling, lovely indeed!
- Joe had the dumplings as his Duan Wu Jie's breakfast. If you miss them, the virtual "Bak Zhang" blog is dedicated to you! If you miss them, feel hungry, just visit this blog... click it and eat it and chew it... yummy....:)
- Kuku, Thanks for the cooking lesson, I really enjoy the day, it was fantastic!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Happy Father's Day

Happy 18th Birthday to Brother Winston
May God continue to bless you and keep you,
May He cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Living with Tiptoes
I used to enjoy my trip to airport. Either picking someone up from airport, shop for a bar of chocolate or having a cup of tea at the middle of the night with my close friend at the terminal building. I always find that, airport is a serene place with full of serendipity. I wish that I could just get an air ticket, and board into a flight to another destination at that moment. Enjoying the sight-seeing, and the aerial view from the sky.
Recently, i spend a fair amount of time in airports, either picking up of dropping off someone. I have grown accustomed to seeing several different kinds of "waiters" - people who are waiting to pick up someone who is arriving on a flight. First, there are always a couple of "Drivers." You can recognize them easily because they are holding up a sign with a person's name on it (Mr. XXX or En. XXX ). They've been sent to airport by their employer to pick up someone they don't know. It's just a job to them. Pick up Mr. Smith and his luggage and take him wherever he wants to go." Get a call, make a sign, deliver a person. Job done..... :) They are attentive, but usually look bored while they're waiting.
Then they are the "Associates." They are at the airport to pick up people they know but whose arrival is not an emotional event. Perhaps the person waiting at the airport is a business associate, or perhaps it's a wife picking up a husband who travels several times a month. These people wait by reading magazines, newspaper or novels, hanging out in the gift shop or choc shop, walking around the concourse, or chatting with other "Associate" waiters. They amble over the gate at just the right time to greet their party. They Some of them may just lazy to get down from their car, staying inside the car, listening to radio. They are not bored, but they do yawn a lot. For them, waiting is a routine thing.
Finally, there are the "Eagers." They are the people who have perfected the art of waiting eagerly. It it's a young woman pacing back and forth with an anxious, almost teary-eyed look, I know it's a fiancee or a newlywed waiting on her knight in airborne armor to return from their first separation. If it's an older couple standing at the head of the line, right in front of the arrival gat, I know it's grand parents waiting to smother a new grandbaby with kisses, or parents waiting for a college students or serviceman to come home after a way-too-long absence.
But the most fun "Eagers" to watch are the little kids. If they're there to pick up their daddy, they're racing back and forth along the huge glass windows; thery're jumping up and down, they're embarrassing their mother with their shrieks. "There's his place, Mom! Is that daddy's plane?" If they break free from their mom, they're foraging through the forest of adult legs to get to the front of the crowd to be the first one to see Daddy. Whatever they are doing, they are doing it on their tiptoes. Have you ever seen little kids run around on their tiptoes when they're excited? They look like baby ballerinas. Even when they've got a clear view, they're standing on their toes. It's what kids do. They eagerly anticipate what they desire.
Waiting had becoming a piece of art in life. Are we doing well in developing the art of "eager anticipation" - leaning to live life on our tiptoes. Especially do we we need this skills when things are not going well, when life is hard. After all, no matter in which stages we are, it is always an assignment given by GOD to us - waiting to be delivered tom the wounded world in which we live. Those who learn to wait eagerly are the once for whom suffering produces anticipation instead of apathy or anger. Everyone has to wait, but we are given the choice as to how we wait.
We are not just wait; we are to wait eagerly. We are not just to look, we are to look forward to. We are not to wait passively; we are to wait actively. And most of all, we are not to wait sitting down, we are to wait on out tiptoes.
Well.... I guess waiting had became a part of our life. The question is, What kind of waiters are you? How are you waiting as waiters? As a "Driver," and "Associate," or an "Eager"?
I always admire my dog for her persistency of waiting? Waiting patiently will hope...and sadness. She is always asking Why are you leaving me alone? Where are you going? When will you be back? How long does it takes? I can see her face, her facial expression mingling with all sorts of question. Hoping that the master does not leave her alone. But... she had no choice. She always waited eagerly with hope and love, hoping that her master will be back one day.
If you are sitting down while reading this, stand up for a moment. Now rise up on your tiptoes. Feel good?
Monday, June 11, 2007
For The Beauty Of The Earth by John Rutter
For the beauty of the skies
For the lovewhich from our birth
Over and around us lies
Over and around us lies
Lord of all to thee we raise
This our joyful hymn of praise
For the beauty of the hour
Of the day and of the night
Hill and vale
And tree and flower
Sun and moon and stars of light
Lord of all to thee we raise
This our joyful hymn of praise
For the joy of human love
Brother, sister, parent, child
Friends on earth
And friends above
For a gentle
Thoughts and mild
For a gentle
Thoughts and mild
Lord of all to thee we raise
This our joyful hymn of praise
For each perfect gift of thine
To our race so freely given
Graces human and divine
Flow'rs of earth and buds of heav'n
Flow'rs of earth and buds of heav'n
Lord of all to thee we raise
This our joyful hymn, our joyful hymn of praise
This our joyful hymn of praise
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
A Musical Poem....
Flute flowing,
Strings serenading,
Trumpet towering,
French horn flirting.
Handel halelujah-ing,
Strauss Smiling,
Bach bellowing.
© Tintin :D
Saturday, June 02, 2007
A Poem Dedicated to the Kelabit people in Bario Highland
kupasan awan terbilang,
suria membahang,
burung berkecipan.
Kehijauan terbentang,
saujana mata memandang,
budaya Kelabit terlestari,
edaran kala terabadi.
Twin otter mendarat,
riuh sepusat,
twin otter berlepas,
sepi berderas.
Inilah Bario,
indah seantero,
manik pusaka,
mutiara terjaga.
Gawai Sajak - Written by Tintin
percaturan hidup manusia nan permai
sarawak indah, bumi pertiwi
miskin budaya nescaya tidak
pelbagai perayaan saban purnama
diraikan bersama muda dan tua
Gayu guru gerai nyamai
madah pahlawan ikutan srikandi
ayam pansoh beserta tuak
makan, bergembira Gawai ternama
Lantang Senang Nguan Menua
© tintin
Selamat Hari Gawai, Gayu-Guru, Gerai-Nyamai
Snowy, Captain Haddock and Howie begins our Gawai visiting in Kampung Kuap (10th mile), at Dahlia’s place. Warming up… makai…. We had manok pansoh (bamboo chicken, beef rendang, mix vege, satay, curry and etc…. The bamboo chicken we tasted at Dahlia’s place is really yummy, it reminds me about the one we tested during the RTM Television shooting for the Christmas program in December 2006. Dahlia, the superstar, demonstrating how she celebrated Christmas with her family, how the bamboo chicken is cooked and of course….. We will never forget the joyous sounds of the St. James Quop choir, the harmony produced by this a capella choir is really fantastic!!!
After Dahlia place, we proceed to Rowena’s place at 13th mile... Ermm… I found the similarity between the two of them, they speaks the same dialect which is the Bidayuh Biatah. The curry cooked by Rowena is really delicious, yummy…!! We found something interesting in Rowena’s place. The branded China Beer, KINGWAY, manufactured by the Shenzhen Kingway Brewery Co. Ltd. It shows on the front part of the can, the KINGWAY brand slogan “With The Best Malt And Germany Technology”.
Ermm… after observing the physical outlook of the beer can, we found that the size of the can is a little taller. Then, we look at the net weight, its 355ml. Compared with the normal coca-cola canned drink, it’s only 350ml. Then we take a look of the ingredients in both languages. It’s good; I can say all the major ingredients of beer are translated into English which the source language is Chinese. Unfortunately, the translator miss out something in the translation. It says here in mandarin 過度飲酒,有害健康 which means “excessive drinking are harmful to health” , BUT….. This particular phrase is not translated into English. I was wondering why… perhaps the Europeans are better drinker? Or... It does not applicable to the Westerners??? I guess they are targeting the “Mat Salleh”, the “Ang Mo Lang” as their consumer.
We are curious, how does it taste like? After drinking, I can say the alcohol level is really low! It is a very mild beer if I were to compare with Calsberg, Heneiken and Tiger. It tastes like Shandy…..
After Rowena’s house, then we proceed to Clane’s house at Kampung Mambong, Penrisson (which is along Jalan Borneo Highland). After Clane, we proceed to Daina’s house at Jalan Stephen Yong. That’s where we meet Mr. Fabian Sigar, Ms. Annie and family. After the four houses, we went to Serian to meet Tintin in Grace Michael’s place.
Here’s the map given by Grace to her boss, Tintin.
By looking at the map, we totally have no idea, where exactly the place is. What I can recall is Serian Town, the road to Tebakang/Tebedu, that’s all. With our little knowledge of the roads in Serian, we started our journey. Good start, we manage to reach Serian town in 30mins then we take the exit at the roundabout to Tebakang/Tebedu.
We miss our first turning to Kampung Mongkos road. Well.. nevermind… we discover something new. Kampung Pinchin, that’s the Kampung that Donna Jarukan mentioned about the cottage industry which produced the local Bidayuh rattan handicraft. We found two YB’s house, YB Datuk Richard Riot Anak Jaem and Datuk Michael Manyin. That’s what we discovered about Kampung Pinchin. Turning back…. Back ,,, and turn in SMK Tebakang.
We drive… drive….drive… Looking for Kampung Terbat on our right hand side as shown in the map. We had passed by many villages, with different names…. can’t remember all of them well. But along the Serian - Mongkos mainroad, I had come across some familiar villages name which Sie Ai went before to carry out her Master’s Research. Among them, there are Kampung Payau-Achau, situated fourteen and a half miles away from the Serian town Center, Kampung Bidak Plaman and Kampung Mongkos. After driving for about 30mins, we were wondering…… are we taking the correct route? How long will it takes to the junction. So…Snowy decided to stop by the road side asking for directions. Thank GOD, we are on the right track, on the way to Grace’s house. Along the journey, we passed by the Mayang Tea Plantation, a new discovery for us!!!
After 15 mins, we reach the function, turn right to Kampung Terbat. A bumpy journey begins here…. After a while, we feel like we are in the middle of NO WAY, feel like we are taking the Amazing Race heading towards the ONE MILLION DOLLAR PRIZE!!! Going up and down the hills, turning left and right…. Kkeeee….. Where we are? How long does it takes to Grace’s place, Kampung Mapu Tragu? Was dreaming, hope I have a Four-Wheel drive vehicle for this Amazing Race journey. It looks like we are playing TREASURE HUNT!!!! But….. too bad…. we didn’t found any wild boar :( .
This is how the road look like.
After 25 mins drive, we reach a junction….. should we take the left route or.. the right route…. We took the right route… eer… looks weired, no houses at all, after 10mins drive we saw a few house, where is Grace’s house? So, we decided to ask for directions again. Thank GOD that we meet the right person, we were told that we should take the left route while at the junction. Reverse back… to the junction. We were accompanied by the couple on the motorbike, leading us towards Grace’s house.
Finally… after 2 and the half hours drive from Kuching, we finally reach the destination, Kampung Mapu Tragu. There are roughly about 80 houses, with the reconstructed house (previously was longhouse) with cement walls to prevent fire outbreak. The facilities available in Kampung Mapu Tragu are electricity, public phone and clean water from the mountain. To me, Kampung Mapu Tragu is a friendly village, beautiful girls around, clean water from the mountain, fresh air and a fresh environment. I believe there’s a cool mountain waterfall somewhere around. Grace, is there any waterfall? If so, you must show it to me where it is, we will make a trip up again someday!!!
We had curry, manok pansoh cooked with rice, mix vege and etc… We were so glad to see Tintin there. Tintin, thanks for your patience, waiting for us to arrive, it is such an adventurous journey. We enjoyed the scenery along the road very much! Grace, Thanks for the Pansoh, it is very delicious, this is the first time I tasted the Manok Pansoh cook with rice. Thanks for the Pulut too… It is really yummy!!! Your mum is such a great cook! Thanks for the wonderful dinner!
Here are some views taken from Grace's house window.

On the way back, I received a SMS from Tintin, it says :
“Good Flight? Ha… Ha… Rather turbulent… I will make a petrol stop at the next airport ya.”
We stopped by LCCT terminal in Serian. Snowy, Howie and Captain Haddock had a short rest, to stretch our legs after sitting in the car for 90mins.
After visited five houses, I just don’t believe that we had traveled around 3 different places, China, London and the Borneo Island. Cool ler…. What makes me said that? Drinking three different alcoholic beverages from three different continents, the Kingway Beer, the CHINA brand beer at Rowena’s place, WHISKY which represents LONDON at Diana’s place and ‘TUAK’, the rice wine, made by Grace’s mum. The ‘tuak’ we tasted at Grace’s place is a bit sour because it is made by the fermented rice, yeast and sugar. There are different types of ‘tuak’, the ‘tuak’ made from rice, sugar cane or ginger. The ‘tuak’ made from sugar cane usually taste sweet.
The journey from Kuching to Grace’s house can be divided into four different segment; Kuching – Serian, Serian town – SMK Tebakang, SMK Tebakang – Kampung Tekad and Kampung Tekad – Grace’s house. We see sunshine when we begin our journey, tar road, and bumpy road. While we are on our way back, it rains and the road is muddy, passing through hills, up and down, and… we see moonlight. This can be described as the river of life, going through different segment of our life journey.
What is the moral of the lesson of the day? What did we learned today?
I learn about perseverance, courage and determination. Life is all about making decisions, either we choose to move on or give up. We also learned about not to leave our friend behind (Tintin, Snowy is always with you, protecting you no matter where you go). We learned about setting our goals and target, we must aim higher, go for it. “Success is yours, embrace the challenge”. Last but not least, as a leader, when we are giving instruction to our team member, it has to be CLEAR and ACCURATE!!! Sometimes we may tend to prejudge our team members, we assume they know it already. Whenever we are in doubt, do not hesitate to seek for assistance.
I believe Tintin, Snowy, Captain Haddock and Howie had a wonderful Gawai Celebration in Year 2007. What an adventurous day!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Ethnic Beauty Pageant Miss Fair & Lovely WHF 2007
The Grand Finals of Miss Fair & Lovely WHF2007 started with fifteen finalist, parading in traditional Orang Ulu costumes. As I was told by Mr. Zaini, they are about 100++ girls enrolled for the beauty pagenat contest. First round, somewhere around January, they screen down to 60, then from 60 to 30, then... from 30 to 15 for the Grand Finals.
Haa... Here comes the Q & A session. Besides judgin their outer beauty, we must thest the contestant IQ too. Mr. Zaki (shown in the picture below) and Mr. Irwan did a very good job. Both of you makes a good couple. Both of you are talented and spontaneous MC. I really enjoyed the songs "LADY" and "CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU" sung by both of you. Zaki and Irwan, you have such an attractive voice. Zaki was the partime newsreader for Radio too.

1) Why Sarawak Cultural Village is a "must visit" destination for a foreigner?
2) As a ambassador of Sarawak, how are you going to promote Sarawak to a tourist?
3) If you are given RM10, what are you going to buy for you mum during Mother's Day?
Apart from these questions, as a Sarawakian, you must know you mother tongue well enough. I guess, this is how the Miss Hazel Desmond win the judges heart.
If I were one of the judges, I will probably ask the pagent this kind of questions :-
1) How do you cook the bamboo chicken (Manok Pansoh)?
2) Do you know how to cook with fire wood? How to light up the fire?
3) Can you make the kelupis? How to make 'tuak', the rice wine?
4) How to make a rattan basket?
5) Can you name any traditional cuisine? such as..... how to cook them?
Miss Fair & Lovely 2007 goes to............
Miss Hazel Desmond, a 24 year old trade product specialist from Sibu, outshone 14 other finalists to become Miss Fair & Lovely, World Harvest Festival 2007. Hazel also took home subsidiary titles Miss Hotlink Beautiful Voice WHF 2007 and Miss Hollywood Personality WHF 2007. The five-foot-two-inch-tall Bidayuh-Iban lass won RM3, 000 in cash prize, a SEGi scholarship to study Diploma in Business Management (Tourism), a Nokia handphone and other prizes. For her subsidiary titles she received a total of RM800, a Nokia handphone, two special crystal trophies and sashes.
The First Runner-up goes to....
Miss Hani Iryani Bonny Leong, an 18-year-old from Kuching. She also took home two subsidiary titles – Miss SMS Voters’ favourite WHF 2007 and Miss Fair and Lovely Talent Anggun. She took home RM2, 000, Nokia handphone and other prizes, while her subsidiary titles earned her a total cash prize of RM1, 500 and other prizes. Hani who just completed her Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) hopes to study business management and aspires to be a successful businesswoman.
Second runner-up goes to......
Miss Eileen Lawrence, a 20-year-old Kenyah-Kelabit lass from Miri. She holds a Diploma in Business Studies and is currently working as a freelance dancer.
The fifth and last subsidiary title, Miss Top Colour Photogenic WHF 2007 was won by Hamaria Mohamad Harun. The 25-year-old Malay-Indian lass from Kuching took home RM500, a ramed portrait, sash and film product.
The other 12 finalist did not leave empty handed. Each one took home RM300, trophy, sash, Marie Claire sunglasses sponsored by Eyesight Optic Sdn Bhd, Hotlink Sarawak Plan, ARS shoes sponsored by Lea Centre and a Fair and Lovely hamper.
Photo courtesy of Koh May Kee
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Theme Play - Orang Ulu Legend - "Belawan Burieng Hercules Of Keliman River"

World Harvest Festival 2007

Thanks Tintin, for rescueing with Flight 714....
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
An Afternoon with Maestro Winston Law Tze Chin
Winston, aged 18, started his piano lesson at a very tender age. Winston, a multi-instrumentalist who plays the piano, flute and violin. He was the pricipal flutist of St. Joseph school band and Symphony Orchestra Negeri Sarawak. With the leadership skills and musical ability, he was the St. Joseph School band president in Year 2006. He also won the band idol in the band finalist.
Winston currently persuing his Piano LTCL Diploma under the tutelage of Loo Bang Hean and Mrs. Sylvia Yeo. Winston, a hardworking and a determine musician who aims to become a virtuoso performer.
He will be performing selected pieces from JS Bach, Mozart and Barber.
Tickets will be available at RM5 each from Avant Garde Music (Westmoore House, Rock Road). For enquiries, please call them at 082-236233.
Report on Malaysia in Amnesty International Report 2007:
Head of state: Raja Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin
Head of government: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Death penalty: retentionist
International Criminal Court: not ratified
The year ended without the government fulfilling its pledge to establish an independent police complaints commission. At least 80 men accused of links to Islamist extremist groups were held without charge or trial under the Internal Security Act (ISA). Freedom of expression, association and assembly continued to be constrained by restrictive laws. People suspected of being irregular migrants or asylum-seekers were harassed and detained in harsh conditions pending deportation. Hundreds of people, mostly alleged irregular migrants, were imprisoned or caned after unfair trials. Death sentences continued to be passed and four executions were carried out.
Police reform
Non-governmental organizations continued to press the government to create an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). In 2005 a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the police had recommended a wide range of reforms, including the establishment of an IPCMC by May 2006. Draft legislation to establish an IPCMC remained under consideration by the Attorney General at the end of the year. A range of other reform recommendations, including repeal or review of laws allowing for detention without trial or requiring police permits for public assemblies, were not implemented
Police brutality
There were continued reports of excessive use of force by police officers during peaceful
demonstrations. In March and May police armed with shields violently dispersed a series of peaceful protests in Kuala Lumpur against fuel prices, with batons and water cannon. Several people were reported seriously injured and dozens arrested. All were subsequently released. There was still concern over the effectiveness of safeguards to ensure the safety and wellbeing of detainees in police custody. At least five people, including one woman, were reported to have died in custody during the year.
Detention without trial
The ISA, which allows for detention without trial for periods of up to two years, renewable indefinitely, continued to be applied and also used as a threat. At least 80 men accused of membership of or links to Islamist extremist groups remained in detention at the end of the year. At least 20 detention orders were renewed, and the reasons were not made public.
In May, 11 people were arrested under the ISA in Sabah for alleged involvement in an Islamist group known as Darul Islam Sabah.
In October, at least 17 alleged members of Jemaah Islamiyah and the Malaysia Militant Group (Kumpulan Militan Malaysia) were released, but remained under orders restricting their freedom of movement.
At least 700 criminal suspects remained in detention under the Emergency (Public Order andPrevention of Crime) Ordinance (EO), which allows for indefinite detention without trial. Many were detained under the EO because the police did not have sufficient evidence to charge them. In October, the Federal Court ruled that the lawfulness of EO detentions by police could not be challenged in the courts once the Minister of Internal Security had issued a detention order.
Migrant workers, refugees and asylum-seekers
Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrant workers remained vulnerable to arrest, detention in poor conditions and deportation under the Immigration Act. Migrant workers were subjected to psychological and physical abuse by agencies and employers, and were often denied equal access to benefits and protections guaranteed to Malaysian workers, including maternity provisions, limited working hours and holidays.
Excessive use of force and ill-treatment were reported during repeated raids and mass arrests,mostly conducted by members of the volunteer civilian armed corps RELA (Ikatan Relawan Rakyat Malaysia), of suspected irregular migrant workers. Hundreds were whipped after being found guilty of immigration offences.
In February, the bodies of five migrant workers who allegedly fled a RELA raid were found in a lake in Selayang, near Kuala Lumpur. Witnesses reported that at least one body bore signs of ill-treatment.
Freedom of expression and association
There was continued criticism of the Printing Presses and Publication Act which allows the authorities to refuse, revoke or suspend printing permits.
During the year, two newspaper editors were forced to resign following their newspapers’ coverage of police abuses, and four newspapers were suspended after publishing drawings of the Prophet Muhammad first published in a Danish newspaper in 2005 and judged offensive.
In May the opposition People’s Justice Party (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) protested at the refusal to grant a printing permit for the party’s official paper.Two opposition parties, the Malaysian Dayak Congress and the Socialist Party of Malaysia (Parti Sosialis Malaysia), were denied registration under the Societies Act.
Death penalty and corporal punishment
In March the Malaysian Bar Council passed a resolution calling for the abolition of the death penalty and a moratorium on all executions.
Death sentences, however, continued to be passed during 2006, mostly as a mandatory punishment for certain drug-related offences. Four executions for armed treason were carried out. The authorities continued not to disclose regular statistics on capital punishment.
In May, Parliament passed a water privatization bill, which also extended the death penalty to cover serious cases of water contamination.
Caning, a cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment, was also carried out.
AI country reports/visits
• Malaysia: Amnesty International’s campaign to stop torture and ill-treatment in the ‘war on terror’
(AI Index: ASA 28/003/2006)
Amnesty International delegates met government officials in March, and local civil society groups in June to discuss progress in the implementation of police reform.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Belgium marks 100th anniversary of Tintin creator

While 'lepaking' around the streets in the city of Kuching, Joe found something interesting in a DVD shop. Guess what? It's Tintin's adventure comic DVD. Brother, I guess you will love this!!! Wait till 7th March 2008, I will present it to you as your 26th Birthday present.
The Adventures of Tintin (French : Les Aventures de Tintin) is a series of Belgian's comic books created by Belgian artist, Herge. Tintin, a young Belgian reporter and traveller who embarked on his very first adventure in 1929. Titin, who is an adventurous reporter, involved himself in lots of dangerous cases, which he takes heroic action to save the day. From the beginning he was accompanied by his faithful dog, Snowy and for more than half a century this intrepid pair journeyed to exploits around the world.
Tintin is a young man of more or less neutral attitudes and is less colourful than the supporting cast. In this respect, he represents the everyman.
A Tribute to my beloved God Brother....
Still remember our orchestra trip to Sibu. What had we done? I believe that the token of appreciation we got from SONS means a lot to us. It enable us to dine a meal in KFC during our good old days. Thought about KFC, hahaha….. John, you better go and find the umbrella and return it to the owner!!!
We had not been seeing each other while we were at Uni. I graduated and came back to Kuching. Surprisingly in Year 2003, I meet John’s classmate, he told me something about John. “Hey…. John is earning BIG MONEY now in UTM. He is now afforded to fly back from Johor Bahru (JB) to Kuching every week, earning 5-figure income.” I was wondering what John is doing…….
Out of the blue moon, Da Lao Ban, John Lee called me up. It’s a surprise for me. I wonder how he managed to dig my mobile number out. John, did you hire any secret agents? Investigator? I just don’t believe that John is now a Business man. The Entrepreneur John Lee you see today is the DOUBLE JOHN LEE you know in your school days. Not bad leh …. Beside changing your status, you had changed your physical outlook too…. :P keke (am I sounded too sarcastic?)
John, you’re one of a very rare, precious and priceless pearl found in the deep oceans. I like your descriptions of yourself because it’s true that a pearl of precious, priceless worth and value is only found once in a lifetime. If you never search, never come to know this never know the value of this pearl. That's exactly what you are!! A male friend and also a confidant to me, whom I enjoy talking, gossiping, hanging around with. A person who always filled up my emotional tank.
Brother, you are an angel sent from Heaven above, true to yourself and I’m truly thankful our paths crossed many moons ago and we still keep this special friendship over the years.
Am Glad that I had a God Brother like you :p
Metatake on my Metathoughts.......
Welcome to my blog page. Thought of writing, having my own homepage years ago. But.... sadly never started it. Well, am getting bored,.... looking for something to occupied my time. I guess this will be a place where i write about my thoughts, sharing information with friends.
Sit back, have a cup of tea, perhaps a cup of 'Apple Tea' or a cup of 'Davidoff Coffee'... Relax... and enjoy the read.